The Haunts of a Fallen Angel

Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Touch of His Hands

The touch of his hands
causes my skin to shiver in fear
The touch of his hands
causes my tears to fall down my cheeks
The touch of his hands
causes silent screams to reverberate inside my head
The touch of his hands
causes dread
The touch of his hands
steals my innocence away
The touch of his hands

Friday, December 30, 2005

The long and winding road

The journey began as many others before in an ordinary town with ordinary people living an ordinary life. In the beginning the little girl was an innocent child full of curiousity not unlike many other children her age. As the child grew her life became full of drama most of which she did not understand for she had a father who was full of meanness and a mother who was overwhelmed by the father. Into her life came a brother and a sister to complete the little family.

To be continued....

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I am the haunted angel. Come join me in my journey......